I am a dual Writing Arts and Philosophy/Religion major (specializing in Religious Studies) at Rowan University and I am a self-proclaimed Ravenclaw at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am a bibliophile, I love to read horror and fantasy fiction, and love to write my own short fiction. My two favorite authors of all time are Stephen King and J.K. Rowling, who are geniuses of their respective genres.
Prof. Reynolds
2/21/2012 08:19:41 am

Welcome! If only you could track down J.K. Rowling for your interview project... imagine the possibilities. :)

2/21/2012 08:45:34 am

Hive mind!

2/22/2012 02:23:47 am

"The Regulators" is the Stephen King book I was telling you about in Evaluating Writing, the one where an autistic kid has the mental power to turn reality into the fictions he sees on TV....it's a mirror novel of "Desperation"


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